The drawing before the drawing. We’d like to fully understand the project brief assigned. Researching and refining various concepts, developing moodboards exploring art styles, and implementing them into rough sketches that may be appropriate for the project.

After thorough research and exploration, we will finalize a look and feel for the intellectual property and develop a style guide for the team to follow that will effectively scale the project.

Breathing life to the world through design. Creating an immersive cast of characters, environments, etc. Implementing good visual aesthetics while keeping in mind the technical breakdowns needed for the group ahead in the pipeline to do their work efficiently.

Creating assets appropriate for 2D Game design and/or animation. These include backgrounds, character assets, User Interface design, etc.

Illustration, social media posts, and other marketing collaterals for the world to see. These may include merchandising, sourcing for suppliers, website assets, and more.